About Us

What We Do

SmartEngineMarketing.Com is a Singapore-based premier Online Internet Marketing consultancy portal. We assist numerous small and medium enterprises to turn online marketing. Any business looking to optimise its marketing strategy should consider online marketing.

SmartEngineMarketing.Com focus only on Online marketing is the promotion of products, services or ideas, primarily using the Internet. We seek to provide efficient and effective ways to assist small and medium enterprise to optimise their marketing strategy to start their advertising campaigns on Google in seconds without the high costs in Singapore.

Our services are :

· Text Advertising - SEM or PPC

This involves the use of text-based advertisements on websites, mostly search engines. It is also known as Search Engine Marketing or Pay Per Click advertising.

· Search Engine Optimisation - SEO

This method uses techniques to improve the traffic arriving at your site from search engines. This is also known as Natural or Organic Search Optimisation.

SmartEngineMarketing.Com also help you to drive some form of call-to-actions on your website (such as a sale or e-mail sign-up tactics) and at the same time build and protect your company branding.

We welcome feedback and enquires.

Please email us at BrandAndTradeMark@Gmail.Com if you wish to enquire or feedback about our products and services.

Thank you.

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